T.Pharm Green Logistics

Services and Technologies for sustainable and modern green logistics.

Why Us?




Technologies for green logistics

The T-Pharm - Green Logistics project was created to minimize the environmental impact of our transport, in terms of emissions and resource consumption.

Logistics is rethought by optimizing the routes traveled and the loads of goods and using latest generation means of transport (minimum standard EURO 6).

Technologies at the service of innovation, to offer a complete and modern service

4 key points of our green logistics


Our warehouses are powered by a 700 KW photovoltaic system

Optimized routes

One of the key points of our "green" policy is to optimize routes to reduce the number of trucks in circulation.

LNG fuels

Elimination of particulate emissions, drastic reduction of CO2 emissions and reduction of noise pollution

HVO fuels

Elimination of particulate emissions, drastic reduction of CO2 emissions and reduction of noise pollution

Efficient logistics, designed to respect the environment

innovative and efficient production and packaging

Our logistics is increasingly green with the transition from the use of vehicles powered by fossil fuels to alternative fuels with reduced CO2 emissions, such as liquid natural gas (LNG) and the latest generation HVO diesel.


Our warehouses are powered by a 700 KW photovoltaic system

Reference measurement: T.O.E. (Tons of Oil Equivalent)

Conversion factor of electrical energy into energy

primary [TOE/MWh]: 0.187

System production 100 kW: 980,314 MWh

CO2 saving 100 kW system: 183,319 T.O.E.

Produzione impianto 600 kW: 5.184,00 MWh

Risparmio CO2 impianto 600 kW: 969,408 T.O.E.


Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil

HVO is a synthetic fuel, compatible with modern Diesel engines, produced from sustainable raw materials which allows high performance thanks to a high cetane number.

With the acronym HVO indicates thehydrotreated vegetable oil, a hydrogenated fuel obtained from sustainable raw materials (e.g. used cooking oils, animal fat waste, vegetable oil).

HVO offers many advantages thanks to its qualities: it complies with the European specification EN15940 for paraffinic gas oils from synthesis or hydrotreatment (XTL); has a high number of lubricity which guarantees the perfect movement of the mechanical parts of the engine, has a lower carbon emission in the life cycle than fossil fuels.

Latest generation refrigeration vehicles

From the warehouse to the retailer: the means of transport for the cold chain


Multi temperature refrigerators

Double engine

Anti-noise multipick platform

Hydraulic tail lift

Refrigerated tractors